About the Asset Details Page
Table of Contents
Note: This document has been imported from the former KB and has not yet been verified.
The Asset Details page displays whenever you’re viewing an Asset.
This document provides a high-level overview of what you’ll find on the various subtabs of an Asset's Details page.
Note: The information and options Syncro displays on an Asset's Details page depends on it's type: whether it's a Syncro Device or an an asset you've created (i.e., a User-Created Device). You can do more with assets of the “Syncro Device” type. Where relevant, differences are noted throughout this document.
The Header Bar
The header bar (1) at the top of an Asset's Details page displays:
- The Asset's Name. For Syncro Devices, you'll also see a status indicator and when offline, you can wake on LAN.
- The actions button bar (2), which allows you to work with your asset.
- The subtabs (3), with the currently selected one highlighted in gray. In addition to the default Overview subtab, User-Created SNMP assets also display the Monitoring tab. In addition to the Overview and Monitoring subtabs, Syncro Devices also display the System Info, Antivirus, Scripts, System Checks, Installed Apps, and Windows Patches subtabs.
The Actions Button Bar
Both User-Created and Syncro Device asset types display an Edit button, as well as the Actions button menu:
- New Ticket: Creates a Ticket assigned to the correct Customer, with the asset attached.
- Chat: Initiates a Syncro Chat on the asset.
- Broadcast Message: Displays a broadcast message on the asset.
- Reboot: Sends a command to the Syncro agent to restart the asset.
- Maintenance: Opens the Maintenance Mode pop-up window, where you will specify how long to mute alerts for the asset (such as offline alerts). The range is anywhere from 5 minutes to 7 days. Click Begin Maintenance to save.
- Export Activity to CSV: Immediately generates and downloads a spreadsheet of the asset's activity.
Merge: Opens the Merge Asset pop-up window, were you can merge this asset with another one:
Click the Details dropdown to see specifically what will/will not be copied. Select the Destination Asset, then click Merge Assets. - Sync Asset Data: Immediately initiates a full asset sync. We sync different subsets of data from assets on three intervals—once every 15 minutes, 2 hours, and 6 hours. This action triggers the full 6-hour sync out of cycle so that any updates are immediately reflected in your Syncro instance once the sync completes. When performing this action you'll will see the following message: “A full asset sync has been queued. Please allow up to ten minutes for the sync to finish updating.” You'll need to refresh the page once the sync finishes to see any updates.
- Delete: Click to delete the asset.
Use the PDF button to view/print a PDF of the Asset Label (with barcode). The Print button sends that label instantly to your default printer.
The Subtabs
The Overview subtab displays several important pieces of information about the asset. It's divided into the left side panel and the main page area.
On the left side panel, you'll see the following sections:
Owner Information: Displays the Customer information for the asset:
- Click View or the customer's hyperlinked Name to open their Details page.
- Hover over their name to display the magnifying glass icon, which you can click to Quick Preview more information about the customer.
- Click “Customer Online Profile” to view their Portal.
- Click “Customer Documentation Page” to view their Wiki page, or “New Documentation Page” to create one.
Asset Information: Displays the asset's details, including information that's automatically populated after you install the Syncro Agent on a device:
- The "Last Sync" field is updated during a Large Sync, which is every 6 hours or when you force a sync.
- To view more detailed information, click the System Info subtab.
Custom Fields: Any custom fields related to the asset (and their values) display here:
Notes: Leave notes about the asset. Click directly into the text area and click Save when finished:
Attachments: Here you can upload and attach documents to this asset, as well as view or download any existing attachments. You can also make individual attachments visible (or not) in the Portal:
Change History: Visible only to Admins. Click View History to expand for details:
In the main page area on the right side, you'll see the following sections:
Overview: Provides a quick-and-easy way to see what's happening with the asset. You can view the Effective Policy, as well as see status updates on monitoring, antivirus, and scripts:
Recent Activity: Displays information based on the asset's most recent syncs, such as monitoring, antivirus, and scripts:
Ticket Log: View all Tickets associated with this asset. Click the ticket's Number to open that ticket:
System Info
The System Info subtab displays a plethora of information about the asset, organized into categories:
Click any link on the left side to jump to that section on the right, or simply scroll the page.
The Monitoring subtab displays the current status of Windows Updates, Monitoring Activity, and the current status of various Triggers:
Triggers are the conditions the Syncro Agent checks on the asset. Triggers are updated after live as long as the asset is online. If a Trigger is activated, the green light turns red, and you'll see it in the Monitoring Activity section.
The Triggers are:
- Recent Blue Screen: Checks for any BSOD occurrences.
- Antivirus Installed: Checks the Security Center for an installed AV software.
- Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Fragmentation: Checks WMI DefragAnalysis to see if a defragmentation is needed.
- Firewall Enabled: Checks the state of Windows Firewall and reports if it's disabled.
- Recent Application Crashes: Checks for application crash logs.
- Low Hard Drive Space: Checks for low storage space (defaults to less than 15% free space) on the system drive. You can configure this threshold on a Policy.
- Hard Drive (HD) SMART Failure: Runs a standard SMART test on the system drive.
- Device Manager Issues: Checks for any installed devices with a status other than “This device is working properly.”
The Antivirus subtab displays the current live status of the asset's Managed Antivirus (MAV), along with up-to-date scan log information:
When MAV is enabled, Syncro ensures that the antivirus is always installed, running, and up-to-date. Syncro also schedules regular scans, and pulls any logs resulting from those. If malware is found, Syncro can notify you.
With Syncro, you can easily run PowerShell and Batch Scripts, either immediately or on a schedule. Once a script is finished running, Syncro will upload a log containing the output of the script. See the Scripting & APIs category for more information.
The Scripts subtab helps you monitor and manage your scripts for the asset. It displays the active Script Queue and a History of scripts that have been run with the result (e.g., Success) and date completed. You can also view the Script Output or Rerun a Script from the Script History.
On this subtab you can also Create New scripts, View All Scripts, access Favorites, and Add scripts to the Queue:
To run a script on the asset, follow these steps:
- Click +Add to Queue. Syncro displays the Run Script pop-up window.
- Optionally select a Category to narrow the list of scripts.
- Select the Script you want to run.
- Select the Frequency: Run Once or Run Repeatedly.
- Select whether to Run Now or Scheduled. (Select a date and time for Scheduled.)
- Optionally check the “Skip Offline Assets” box.
- Click Run. Syncro either runs the script immediately, or adds it to the queue to run later.
System Checks
Note: This is a legacy feature and we encourage you to Enable SNMP on an Asset instead.
The System Checks subtab displays any scheduled Pings or Web Server checks you want to create.
If the host cannot be reached and fails the test, you will receive an RMM alert. (You can configure this in the Notification Center.)
When a system check alert fires, the system_check_trigger Condition can be used as the Trigger Category in an Automated Remediation.
Installed Apps
The Installed Apps subtab displays a list of all installed apps on the asset, along with the Name, Vendor, Version, and Installed On date. You can sort and search for installed apps here too:
Windows Patches
The Windows Patches subtab displays Missing, Failed, Rejected, and Recently Installed Patches. You can take actions like Install missing patches or view information about those recently installed.
For more information, see Windows Updates on Assets and Windows Update Management.