Accept Online Appointment Bookings
Table of Contents
Note: This document has been imported from the former KB and has not yet been verified.
Syncro’s Appointment Bookings feature allows you to share a URL with people who may want to book appointments with you (or a specific Tech). You can also embed code into your website so people can book their appointments with you through Syncro.
Enable the Appointment Bookings Feature
To enable Syncro's Appointment Bookings feature, follow these steps:
- Navigate to Admin > Integrations - App Center.
- Either click the “Business Automation” link or enter the “appointment” in the search bar.
- Click the Appointment Booking app tile:
The Configure Web Based Appointment Bookings page displays: - Configure your settings:
- URL: Copy the listed URL for your website or an email for people to book appointments with you, directly on your Syncro site. (It's your Syncro account URL /bookings.)
- Number of concurrent appointments: The maximum number of people allowed to book the same time slots.
- First Available Appointment Time and Last Available Appointment Time: Appointments cannot be set prior to the former and after the latter.
- Appointment Length (in minutes): The default duration when a person books an appointment.
- First Available Slot (minutes from now): The default is 120 minutes. This means the earliest time a person can book is two hours from when they’re booking.
- Minutes Between Appointments: Set a buffer from when one appointment ends and the next begins.
- Days to Accept Appointments: Select all that apply.
- Auto-Convert Appointment Leads to Tickets When Submitted: Creates a ticket when someone books an appointment.
- Click Save. Syncro displays a Booking Calendar:
Now people can book an appointment from the embedded link in your website or directly from this
Bookings page.
- Syncro checks to see if an appointment(s) starts at the selected time, so if you set the module to allow 2 concurrent appointments, and 2 people already have an appointment on the calendar at that time, it will show that slot as unavailable.
- "All day" blocking appointments block the slot that matches the start time. So, if you wanted to block out a whole day, and you use 60 minute appointments, make an appointment for each hour to fill up all the “slots.”
Embed Code for Your Website
To locate the embed code of this Bookings page for inclusion in your website, follow these steps:
- Navigate to Admin > Integrations - Website Integrations.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page where you'll see the Appointment Booking Module Embed Code section
- Click to see and copy/paste the embed code into a page on your website:
Tip: You can also click to Preview your Bookings page (in a new browser tab); this is the URL you can share with others.
Share a Booking Page for a Specific Tech
People using your Bookings page may need to book time with a specific tech who has specialized knowledge or skills.
In the upper right, that tech can select “Profile/Password” from their User Profile Menu.
They can then copy the Personal Appointment Booking URL and share it.
Note: This link will show a calendar that only allows a single concurrent appointment, as it’s linked to a specific personal calendar. It will, however, respect company-wide business hours.
About Time Zones
If someone is trying to book an appointment in a different time zone, they will get a prompt they can click to view times in their local time zone: