Migrate Assets From Another RMM
Table of Contents
Syncro provides several easy methods to help you migrate assets from another RMM. This document describes them.
Each method assumes:
- You've already created your Customers or imported your existing Customers in Syncro.
- Your systems meet Syncro's minimum installation requirements.
Use a Silent Installer
Note: This method is Windows- and Customer-specific.
You can use a PowerShell script to download the RMM installer from a URL to a file path. You'll use file arguments to silently deploy Syncro across any number of machines. Your asset will show up in Syncro a few minutes later, already attached to the Customer and Policy Folder you selected.
To migrate to Syncro from another RMM using a PowerShell script, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Customers tab.
- Click the hyperlinked name of the desired customer to open their Details Page.
- Click +New and select “RMM Agent Installer:”
Syncro displays the GET RMM AGENT INSTALLER pop-up window: - Optionally, select a Policy Folder. (Syncro defaults to the top-level Customer policy. For more information, see About Policy Inheritance.)
- Select the “Command Line” radio button.
- Click +Get RMM Installer. Syncro downloads the installer to the default downloads location on your machine:
- Click Copy Link to copy the link to your clipboard. Example: https://rmm.syncromsp.com/dl/rs/ehF . . .
- Replace the $Url and $SavePath variables in the following PowerShell Script with the URL you copied in step 7 and the location of your downloaded installer, respectively:
$Url = “Full URL of EXE download”
$SavePath = “c:\Windows\Temp\SyncroSetup.exe”
$WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$downloadResults = $WebClient.DownloadFile($Url,$SavePath)
$FileArguments = “--console --customerid ###### --folderid #####”
$runProcessResults = Start-Process -Filepath "$SavePath" -ArgumentList "$FileArguments"
- Replace the ###### shown in the $FileArguments variable above with the line displayed at the bottom of the GET RMM AGENT INSTALLER pop-up window:
- Close the GET RMM AGENT INSTALLER pop-up window.
- Navigate to the Assets & RMM tab to see your asset displayed in the list. When you display the asset's Details Page, you'll see it connected to the Customer and Policy Folder you selected.
Use Syncro's RMM Import Tools
Syncro has RMM import tools for the following:
- Atera RMM
- Autotask RMM (Datto, Centrastage)
- Ninja RMM
The Datto RMM and Atera RMM scripts use automation in those platforms to match installation to the Client and Device by running a single PowerShell on every machine in your fleet. It detects the right client/machine and performs a silent install.
For other RMMs, Syncro offers a generic PowerShell script that silently installs Syncro. The script takes a 'customer search query' as a parameter to match the installer to the correct customer.
For example, if your RMM allows setting runtime variables for scripts, copy Syncro’s generic PowerShell installer script and provide the Customer Name (as shown in Syncro) as the runtime variable. Additional details and instructions are provided in the Agent Installer App Card.
To locate these scripts, follow these steps:
- Navigate to Admin > Integration - App Center.
- Start typing the name of your former RMM in the Search App Center field, or click the “Other” link to filter the list.
- Click the tile matching the name of your former RMM (e.g. Atera).
- Follow the directions on the page.
For the generic PowerShell Agent Installer, search for the tile named “Agent Installer.”
Do a Manual Install
This approach works best when you need installers for a small subset of customers; installers are created per unique Customer.
To do a manual install, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Customers tab.
- Search for a desired customer and click their name to open their Customer Details Page.
- In the upper right, click +New and select “RMM Agent Installer.” Syncro displays the "Get RMM Agent Installer" pop-up window with the Customer Name, the top level Policy Folder, and Windows (EXE) options pre-selected:
See also: About Policy Inheritance. - Click Get RMM Installer. The Syncro Agent installer downloads to your machine.
- Run the file.
- Repeat steps 1-5 for each Customer. You must get a new Installer for each customer, or you'll end up with all the Assets under a single Customer.
Use a Catch-All Migration Method
This method is similar to the Manual Install, but you only need to generate one universal customer installer to deploy across all of your endpoints.
- Navigate to Admin > Integrations - App Center.
- Click the "Other" subtab (or search for “Agent Installer”).
- Click the “Agent Installer” tile:
Syncro displays the Agent Installer Utility: - If given the option, click Prepare Customer Database. Wait until this finishes to proceed.
- Click Get Script. Syncro downloads the generic installer.
Tip: Click >_Script Instructions to see more details about how to use this script. - Now go to your existing RMM, and use remote file transfer to upload the Syncro Agent installer to each of your customer's Assets.
- Run the following command on all the assets via your RMM's scripting engine:
C:\SyncroInstaller.exe --console --allow-force-reboot
(This example assumes you uploaded the installer to the C: drive and it's called SyncroInstaller.exe.)
This runs the Syncro Agent installer silently.
Note: The --allow-force-reboot flag exists here because if the .NET version isn't up to date, Syncro will automatically download and deploy it. However, this action requires a reboot (that is not required when the .NET version is current).
- Repeat steps 6-7 for each Customer, using the SAME Syncro Agent installer.
- Once all of the assets have the Syncro Agent installed, you can associate them with their corresponding Customers using some unique identifier.
Tip: The “General IP” (public IP) address of the machine is most helpful as a unique identifier. That's because all computers with the same public IP are generally at the same physical location. The second most useful field for this purpose is “Last User.” For example:- Navigate to the Assets & RMM tab, then click Customize and add “General IP” as a displayed column in the table:
Syncro adds this column: - Check the boxes next to one or more Assets, then click Bulk Actions and choose “Change Customer…”:
- In the Change Customer pop-up that appears, select a new Customer (and if desired, Policy Folder). Then click Save.
- Navigate to the Assets & RMM tab, then click Customize and add “General IP” as a displayed column in the table:
Troubleshooting Asset Migrations
If it doesn't seem like Syncro imported everything, you can run the importer again since any duplicates will be removed. If you are still not seeing all of your data, please contact support.
Atera: What Is/Is Not Migrated
The following data is imported from Atera:
- Customers: Name, phone, address, notes (domain)
- Contacts: Name, Email, Title, Phone
- Tickets: ID, Title, Status*, Ticket Type, Contact, Priority, Resolved At
- Ticket Comments: Body
Atera Invoices are NOT imported.
*Tickets imported from Atera include the Status that Atera had them in. However, they may initially show a blank status in Syncro until you add Atera's statuses to your Ticket Settings. Common Atera Ticket Statuses to add include: Closed, Merged, Pending, and Open. No Atera tickets will import under the Resolved status, so all will technically still be open in Syncro.