Take a Deposit
Table of Contents
You can set up Syncro to collect deposits from customers for a Ticket. Those deposits become credits you can quickly apply to a future invoice.
Enable the Deposit Feature
To use the deposits feature, navigate to Admin > Invoices - Preferences and check the “Enable the Deposits Feature” box. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
Create Deposits in Your Inventory
If you take the same deposits over and over again, you can add specific amounts to your inventory for easy selection later. Or, you can set up a variable amount deposit that allows you to enter in an amount when you take a deposit.
Follow these steps:
- Navigate to Products & Services (it may be under the More > menu), and click +New Item.
- Give your product Name (e.g., "Deposit - $20") and a Description.
- In the Price field, specify the amount (e.g., "20.00").
Note: For a variable amount deposit, enter "0.00" in the Price field. - From the Category dropdown menu, select “Deposit.”
- Click Create Product.
- Click ← Back. Syncro displays the Deposit item in your inventory (Products) list, and you'll be able to select this amount whenever you take a deposit on an invoice.
- Repeat this process for any additional deposit amounts.
Take the Deposit
- Navigate to the Tickets tab and select a specific ticket.
- From the Actions button menu, select “Take Deposit”:
Syncro displays your “Deposit” category inventory items: - Click the appropriate Deposit button to take the accept the amount. (If you're using a variable amount, enter the amount then click Use Other Amount.) Syncro displays the New Payment page:
- Scroll to the bottom and click Take Payment. Syncro displays the Payment Result page:
Note: Since this is a deposit, don't worry about clicking Continue. Simply navigate to your next task.
View Existing Deposits
Syncro creates a “Deposit-only” Invoice linked to the ticket, as shown in the following example:
Deposit-only Invoices are displayed in the Invoices tab/module like any other invoices.
All invoices you create (including deposit-only and those you use to charge your customer) are also linked in the ticket. Syncro displays multiple invoices for a single ticket in that ticket's “Ticket Info” section:
Syncro displays available deposits when you click Add/View Charges on the Ticket's Details page, in the Ticket Line Items pop-up window:
Lastly, if you navigate to the Customer Details Page for the customer whose ticket you accepted a deposit for, you'll see all of your Invoices listed here too:
Apply a Deposit Credit
The next time you create an invoice from a ticket that has a deposit associated with it, Syncro automatically adds the credit:
Note: If an invoice has already been created and THEN you take a deposit, Syncro displays the credit as a Pending line item:
Simply click +Add to Invoice to apply the deposit: