Recurring Invoices Fields Reference
Table of Contents
Syncro provides many fields for recurring invoices, which are available whenever you add or edit one. This document describes each of the fields in detail.
Note: Required fields are preceded by an asterisk (*).
Recurring Schedule Section
The table below describes the fields shown in the RECURRING SCHEDULE section:
Field Name | Description |
Template Name | Typically the name of the business, but you can use whatever convention you want. This is the name of the template Syncro uses to create recurring invoices. |
Frequency | Specifies how often Syncro generates the invoice. Options are: Daily, Monthly, Weekly, Biweekly, Quarterly, Semi-annually, Annually, Biennially (i.e., every 2 years), Triennially (i.e., every 3 years). |
Next Run At | The next generation date for the invoice. |
Period Mode |
There are four options for the billing period:
Last Day of the Calendar Month | Check this box to have Syncro generate the invoice on the final day of the calendar month. (Configure for frequencies Monthly or greater; otherwise this may cause unexpected results.) |
Note: Don't forget to click Create Schedule (or Update Schedule) to save your changes.
Invoice Section
The table below describes the fields shown in the INVOICE section:
Field Name | Description |
Name of Invoices That Are Generated |
A name that Syncro will assign to all invoices based on the settings for this recurring invoice.
Employee (For Commission) | Select from a list of your techs to give them Commission credit, if any, for the invoice. They will also be included in the Employee Sales and Commission Reports. |
Invoice Template | The template Syncro will use to create all recurring invoices. See Customize PDF Templates for more information. |
Invoice Memo | Enter any notes you want to include. Add the {{invoice_message}} tag to the Invoice Template to include this memo. |
Allow Generation of Blank Invoices | Check this box to generate the recurring invoice even when there are no line items. Syncro's default behavior is to NOT generate invoices if there are no line items. |
Email Customer the PDF | Check this box to send an email to the customer when Syncro generates the recurring invoice. |
Email Customer Payment Receipts | (Only enabled when the “Email Customer the PDF” box is checked.) Check this box to include the Paid Invoice PDF receipt with the invoice email. |
Mail Physical Invoice (Costs Money) |
Check this box to mail a physical invoice to the customer when Syncro generates the recurring invoice.
Add Any Pending Ticket Charges |
Check this box to have Syncro gather any pending charges on a ticket so you can collect them on a single Invoice.
See also: Add Multiple Tickets to a Single Invoice. |
Ticket Status | When the “Add Any Pending Ticket Charges” box is checked, all ticket statuses are included in the pending ticket charges by default. Here you can select only the ticket Statuses you want to include in the generated recurring invoice. |
Sort Any Pending Ticket Charges By | If the “Add Any Pending Ticket Charges” box is checked, you can sort the pending charges by the ticket's Creation or Resolution Date, Ticket Number, or Ticket Timer End or Start Date. |
Clear/Reset Prepay Hours (Before This Runs) | Check this box to reset any remaining Prepay Hours (Block Hours) so they don't roll over. |
Keep Prices in Sync With Products if They Change | Check this box to have Syncro automatically update this recurring invoice with the latest product prices. |
Pause This Recurring Invoice | Check this box to stop Syncro from generating this recurring invoice. To resume, uncheck this box. |
Note: Don't forget to click Create Schedule (or Update Schedule) to save your changes.
Billing Section
The table below describes the fields shown in the BILLING section:
Field Name | Description |
Automatically Apply Any Customer Credit |
Check this box to apply any credit the customer has on file toward the total owed prior to generating the balance. If the credit applied is larger than the balance due, the remaining credit will remain on the customer's record.
See also: Store Credit. |
Auto Charge Credit Card on File |
Check this box to use the customer's stored payment profile. (If no stored payment profiles are available, this box does not display.)
See also: Work with Payment Profiles. |
Card to Use | When the “Auto Charge Credit Card on File” box is checked, you can select which one to use. |
Charge Card on the Invoice's Due Date Rather Than On Its Creation Date | Check this box to delay payment processing until the Invoice Due Date. (This box only appears if you select an Invoice Billing Term with a delayed due date.) |
Retry the Card Later if the Billing Fails |
Check this box to have Syncro attempt to charge the customer's card again if payment is declined.
Note: If you have the “Retry Failed Payments for Recurring Invoices” box checked in Invoice Settings, Syncro will do this regardless of how this field is set. |
Subscription-related Fields | |
Contract |
You may want to be sure a recurring invoice expires/pauses when a contract ends. Use this dropdown menu to select the contract associated with this recurring invoice (also known as a “subscription”). See also: Create a Contract.
Create a Ticket if the Billing Fails | Check this box to create a ticket if charging the customer's stored payment profile fails. (This box only appears if the customer has a stored payment profile.) |
Create a Ticket One Month Before Contract Expires |
Check this box to have Syncro create a ticket to remind you one month before the contract associated with this recurring invoice expires.
Note: Syncro creates tickets (rather than sends notifications) for this because tickets are more likely to be acknowledged. They become a “To Do” item that must be resolved. |
Note: Don't forget to click Create Schedule (or Update Schedule) to save your changes.