Line Item Types for Recurring Invoices
Table of Contents
This document describes each of the Line Item Types you can select for a Recurring Invoice:
- You're working with a Recurring Invoice.
- You have a list of products and/or services in your Inventory. See Create a Product or Service for more information.
Note: The recommended Type (i.e., way to bill on a Recurring Invoice) is by Policy Folder.
Standard Line Item
Use the “Standard Line Item” type to add a line item for a product or service from your Inventory (such as Labor or a physical good you sell) each time the invoice is generated.
Enter a Name to look up and select a desired item. Syncro may prefill the other fields with available information:
Change any values that you want, then click Add Item to Template.
Asset Counter
Use the “Asset Counter” type to add line items based on the Assets your Customer has.
Enter a Name to look up and select a desired item. Syncro may prefill the other fields with available information:
Change any values that you want for a Fixed Quantity line item.
If you'd like to add a Dynamic Quantity line item, select from either the Asset Type or Asset Search dropdown menu.
- If you select an Asset Type, Syncro will count how many Assets that Customer has that are of the selected Asset Type, and add that number as the line item quantity. For example, if a Customer has three Assets with the type "Router" and you selected that type in the Asset type dropdown, it will add a quantity of 3 of that line item to that recurring Invoice.
- Alternatively, when you select a Saved Asset Search, Syncro will bill for all assets that meet that search criteria.
Click Add Item to Template when you're finished.
If you have mixed assets, such as some on policy A, some on policy B and some on C, you could flag assets with a custom field and move those into a Saved Asset Search (assuming you have three packages in total this would work universally for all customers).
In the example below, we added a custom Mixed checkbox to the Syncro Device asset type:
Customer Contact Counter
Use the “Customer Contact Counter” type to add line items based on how many Contacts attached to your Customer are using the product or service.
Enter a Name to look up and select a desired item. Syncro may prefill the other fields with available information:
Syncro automatically populates the Current Quantity, based on the number of Contacts your Customer has:
Optionally, click the Contact Field Type dropdown menu to select a Contact Custom Field. Syncro will then count only the Contacts with that field specified rather than all Contacts for the Customer.
Remote Access - Contact Counter
Use the “Remote Access - Contact Counter” type to bill your clients for Remote Access Services. This line item type will automatically update to count the number of Contacts with remote access enabled in their Contact Settings so that you always automatically bill your clients accurately for this service.
Note: If you plan to bill end users for remote access, you should add a Product for it before following these steps. See Create a Product or Service for more information.
Enter a Name to look up and select a desired item. Syncro may prefill the other fields with available information:
Change any values that you want, then click Add Item to Template.
Policy Folder
Note: This is the preferred method for recurring invoices because it allows each invoice to bill against all assets in a specific policy folder.
Use the “Policy Folder” type to have Syncro count the number of assets in the selected Policy Folder and multiply that number by the Price. This type dynamically updates each time the recurring invoice generates.
For example, if you charge a $10 fee for remotely monitoring and managing servers each month, and your customer has 15 servers for that month, Syncro automatically updates the Line Items on your recurring invoice accordingly:
Simply enter a Name to look up and select a desired item. Syncro may prefill the other fields with available information:
Change any values that you want, then click Add Item to Template.
Tip: You can choose whether or not to bill for all assets within nested folders, depending on whether you check the box.
Review, Edit, or Delete Recurring Invoice Line Items
Regardless of the type(s) you select and add, Syncro displays all of the line items in the Line Items section:
Here you can inline-edit the Description, Taxable, and Price fields, delete the line item, or reorder multiple line items using the reorder () icon.
Display the Billing Period in a Line Item Description
To display the billing period on a recurring invoice, add the tag {{billing_period_range}} in a line item Description on that invoice like this:
When Syncro generates the recurring invoice, the line item will look like this: