Table of Contents
The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a technical standard for transmitting email, making widespread email delivery possible.
Setting up SMTP gives you the most control over your email process because Syncro uses your own mail server/domain to send emails to your end users. Among other benefits, SMTP improves your delivery rates because it helps prevent emails from Syncro from going into spam folders. For more information, see Maximize Your Email Deliverability.
You can read on, or watch this short video to learn more:
- Syncro's SMTP feature supports Microsoft's latest Office365 authentication.
- Verified Email Domains can be present while SMTP is active. You may then switch over to SMTP if desired.
- You can use Syncro's Multiple Outbound Emails feature with SMTP.
To test SMTP you'll need to have at least one Outbound Mailbox configured. For more information, see Configure a Custom-branded Email/Mailbox.
Add SMTP Settings
To set up SMTP, follow these steps:
- Navigate to Admin > Emails - SMTP. The SMTP Settings page displays, with existing SMTP connections if any are present:
- Click +New SMTP Settings.
- Select a Test Mailbox for outbound emails. (If none display, verify you've completed the Prerequisites):
- Give your SMTP connection a Display Name so you can easily recognize it in the future.
- Select either “Use Your Own SMTP Server” or “Connect to Office 365.”
- If you select “Use Your Own SMTP Server,” you'll complete the remaining fields on the page. See Reference Links for help:
Note: When you choose the “Connect to Office 365,” option, Syncro displays a button you'll click to start the authentication flow. After authentication, you'll be returned to the Syncro SMTP Settings page: - Click Test to verify the connection. A message will tell you to check your user email for the test:
- If the test passes (i.e., you receive the test message), click the "Enable this Delivery Method" toggle at the top of the page to switch it on. (If the test fails, see Troubleshooting.)
- Click Save to begin using the SMTP server:
Reference Links
Please use the following links for help on setting up different email servers.
Gmail: See Add Gmail to another email client.
IMPORTANT IF USING 2FA: You will need to use an Application Password. - Outlook for Microsoft 365: See Server settings you'll need from your email provider.
- Microsoft Best Practices: See How to set up a multifunction device or application to send email using Microsoft 365 or Office 365.
Tip: There are also Helpful Tips for both GSuite and Office365 available on screen:
Note: If you're experiencing an error that isn't described here, please email and we'd be happy to assist.
View Errors
You first step in troubleshooting is to:
- Navigate to Admin > Integrations - Status Dashboard.
- Select the SMTP subtab. If any errors are occurring, you'll see them here:
The most common error is a Send As DENIED exception error, which means the SMTP username does not have permission to send from the outbox mailbox email address. To fix this, make sure the SMTP credentials have permission to send email from the Outbound mailbox. (Reference your client documentation for details (e.g., Office365, Gmail, etc.).
Required Fields
If your SMTP Username is not in an email format (such as those using Amazon Simple Email Server), the Domain name field becomes required and must be entered for SMTP success.
Sophos XG Firewalls
If you're using a Sophos XG firewall and a private SMTP server, Syncro's SMTP integration will not work with it. Their SMTP MTA implementation does not allow this type of traffic. It's a known issue for Sophos—please contact them about fixing it. The workaround is to use a third-party SMTP provider with their firewall—this allows Syncro's SMTP integration to work with their firewall.