Payments Reports
Table of Contents
Note: This document has been imported from the former KB and has not yet been verified.
Payments Summary
This report will give you a list of each payment that has been processed on your account by date. You have options to sort if the payment was successful, and/or if the payment was synced to "Accounting Integration". You are also able to view the payment directly, and/or delete the payment directly from the report. There are also links directly to the customer record, as well as the Invoice attached to the payment.
Unsettled Payments
In this report you will get a snapshot of all payments living on the customer record that aren't applied to an invoice, such as overpayments. For example, if John Doe has an Invoice for $20, and pays $30, you will see the $10 un-applied amount directly from this report.
You are able to export this to PDF as needed.