Automate Tasks with Email Rules
Table of Contents
Using Email Rules in Syncro, you can map inbound emails to a particular Customer, or even a Contact.
If you've created an inbound mailbox for your Syncro account, you can enable a setting that automatically creates Tickets and assigns them to a specific User. (See Automatically Create Tickets from Inbound Emails for more information.) You can then use Email Rules to get more granular about directing inbound emails (e.g., using a “From” address, and/or word(s) in an email's “Subject” field).
Note: You cannot use popular free email services like Gmail for email addresses. This is because Email Rules are designed to work with the domain. Using a popular free email service would cause all the emails from that domain to go to a single customer, so they are not available for use.
This document describes the following ways you can create, edit, and use email rules to increase your efficiency.
You can read on, or watch this short video to learn more:
Create Email Rules
To create Email Rules, follow these steps:
- Navigate to Admin > Emails - Email Rules:
Syncro displays the Email Reading Rules table: - Click +Create New Email Rule. Syncro displays the New Email Rule page:
Note: No specific fields are required, but at least one field should have a value. See also Examples of Email Rules. - Enter an Email Address and/or Subject Filter. Think of these fields like any email filter. You can use both, one or the other, and/or input partial or full addresses/subjects.
- Start typing a Customer Name in the field to search and select from a list of your existing customers.
- Use the Assignee dropdown to select a User from the list. See also: Add & Assign Users to Security Groups.
- Use the Mailbox dropdown to select a configured mailbox. See also: Automatically Create Tickets from Inbound Emails.
- Check the “Auto Create Contact Under Above Customer?” box if you want Syncro to automatically create a new Contact if the email doesn't match any existing Customers or Contacts.
- Click Create Email Rule. Syncro displays your new rule in the Email Reading Rules table:
If you selected a Customer Name in step 4, that customer's Details Page also displays an Email Rules section at the bottom:
- If necessary, use the triple-line (
) icon to reorder your Email Rules.
IMPORTANT: Syncro applies Email Rules in order from the top down. If the first rule does not apply, Syncro continues to check the list until it finds a rule to apply. This ensures multiple rules do not cause duplications. Once the criteria for an email rule is met, Syncro will not process additional email rules.
Use the Auto-Create Contact Shortcut
Instead of following the steps above, you can quickly create and/or edit a Customer to create an inbound email rule for that customer's domain(s).
Syncro will automatically map inbound emails that match the domain(s) to the customer and create a new Contact when a new sender email is noticed.
To use this shortcut for email rules, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Customers tab.
- Search for and select a customer's name to open their Customer Details Page. In the upper right, click Edit. (Or, follow the steps in Create a Customer to complete the “Customer Info” tab first.)
- Click the “Custom Fields” subtab.
- In the Email Domain(s) field, enter your customer's domains. (Press enter after each one.):
Note: Using the @ symbol in the domain is optional. You could type either or - Click Save Changes (or Create Customer). Syncro displays the Customer Details page. An Email Rules section appears at the bottom, and Syncro will automatically create and attach these Email Rules to your primary mailbox:
Note: Though created from the Customer, this Email Rule also displays in the Email Reading Rules table (Admin > Emails - Email Rules).
Edit Email Rules
To edit an Email Rule, follow these steps:
- Navigate to Admin > Emails - Email Rules:
Syncro displays the Email Reading Rules table: - In the Email Address column, click a hyperlinked domain to open the Edit Email Rule page. You can also click the Edit (pencil) icon.
- Make any desired changes to the fields.
- Click Update Email Rule to save your changes. Syncro redisplays the Email Reading Rules table.
Delete Email Rules
To delete an Email Rule, follow these steps:
- Navigate to Admin > Emails - Email Rules:
Syncro displays the Email Reading Rules table: - Click the red X icon in the appropriate row to delete the rule.
Alternatively, you can delete an Email Rules for a specific customer:
- Navigate to the Customers tab.
- Search for and select a customer's name to open their Customer Details Page.
- Scroll to the Email Rules section at the bottom:
- Click the red X icon in the appropriate row to delete the rule.
Examples of Email Rules
This section describes some examples of how you might use Email Rules.
Email Address Example
Maybe you receive emails from many employees at the same company, and want to auto-create a Contact for every new email that comes into Syncro.
To do this, set the Email Address field to the company's domain (e.g., so that any inbound email containing their domain will attach to the correct Customer.
Then check the “Auto Create Contact Under Above Customer” box so if that Contact doesn't exist, Syncro creates one for the resulting Ticket.
Subject Filter Example
Let's say you want any emails with a Subject containing medcorp to attach to your Customer named “Medical Corp.”
To do this, enter nothing in the Email Address field. In the Subject Filter field enter medcorp.
Then select your "Medical Corp" Customer in the next step.
Auto-Assign Tickets to an Employee
If you are auto-creating Tickets from your Leads, you can have an Email Rule auto-assign the ticket to one of your employees (i.e. users).
To do this, use the Mailbox dropdown to select the user's email. Alternatively, select a user from the Assignee field.
Additional Email Tips
Note: These email tips do not require using Email Rules.
Forward Customer Emails into Syncro
If you want to forward customer emails into Syncro, you can do that from a user account email. The resulting Lead/Ticket will have the customer information attached properly.
For example, let's say someone emails a tech's personal address. When that tech forwards the email to a Syncro Mailbox, Syncro can see who the email was forwarded from and assign the correct Customer.
Note: For Syncro to recognize the email as a forward, the Subject must contain "FW:". This ensures Syncro parses the email for the correct customer data.
Attach an Email to an Existing Ticket
It's possible to add a Public Note to a Ticket Communication in Syncro by emailing your Syncro inbound mailbox and formatting the subject line to include TICKET:1234.
TICKET must be capitalized, followed by a colon. Replace 1234 with the ticket number you want to attach the email to.
Automatically Copy Someone on a Created Ticket
If you have the "Create Tickets from Leads" box in Ticket Settings checked and a customer sends you a email with someone copied on it, Syncro automatically adds the person copied under the Additional CC's in the Ticket Info section. There's nothing you need to do.
See also: About the Ticket Details Page.