Work with Masked Credentials
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Masked credentials are a way to securely store login credentials, but also make them easy to access without requiring a long password to be entered. Credentials can be saved under a Customer, Contact, or a document in the Documentation Center. These credentials can be accessed in the Portal or can be private/internal.
IMPORTANT: The Password field for a credential is salted and encrypted. The salt is per row. The password is only decrypted and sent to the client at the time that the field is clicked to be shown.
Create a New Customer Credential
To create a new credential, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Credentials subtab on a Customer's Details Page, then click +New Credential:
Syncro creates a row where each cell is editable inline. - Click into each cell to enter a value, then click Save for each:
- Name: Enter a descriptive name to help you remember what it's for.
- Username: Often an email address, but it can be whatever username you want.
- Host/URL: Link to the site, if applicable.
Password: Enter a password. The next time this page loads, the password will be masked with stars:
- Notes: Enter any notes you want to make about the credential.
- Public: Click this cell to toggle between "Public on Customer Portal" or “Private” (internal) values.
After you save all the cells, the row in the Credentials table looks something like this:
Tip: If you want to temporarily see and/or copy the Password, click into the Password cell:
Edit or Delete a Customer Credential
- Navigate to the Credentials subtab on a Customer's Details Page.
- To edit the credential, click into any cell and make your changes. Click Save when finished.
- To delete the credential, click the red X to the far right of the appropriate row.
Create a Contact Credential
Follow these steps to create a credential for a Contact:
- Navigate to the Credentials subtab on a Customer's Details Page.
- Click the Contacts subtab.
- If necessary, create a new Contact.
- Select the Contact you want to create the Credential for, then at the bottom, click +New Credential:
- Complete the credential row as described in Create a Customer Credential.
- Scroll to the top and click Save.
Credentials in Documentation Center
Masked credentials can be added to documents within the Documentation Center, to be shared internally or publicly on the Portal. Read more about masked credentials and the Documentation Center.
Access to Credentials
Access to credentials in the Portal is handled by the “Credentials - View All” and “Credentials - View Mine” Portal User Permission Group settings.
You can also restrict internal user access to credentials through the Security Group Credentials category, which includes options for Delete, Edit, New, and View.
See also: Portal User Permission Groups and Configure Security Groups.
View Credential Access
Syncro provides a report that allows Admins to view who has accessed credential details, along with time stamps.
You'll find it under Reports > Employees > Credential Access. You can search by specific Customer, include Contacts and/or Documentation, and specify a timeframe:
Note: The Owner Name is the Customer; the Accessor is the Customer or Employee.
Tip: Click the CSV or PDF buttons in the upper right to export and/or print a copy of the report.